Alex ya ha escrito mucho sobre inferir los cortes de DSP. Mi respuesta se enfoca solo en:
¿Dónde encuentro la plantilla de creación de instancias RAW DSP? He estado buscando en Google para ello, pero no encontré una guía definitiva para ello.
La plantilla se puede encontrar en la Guía de bibliotecas para diseños HDL de Xilinx. Para su Spartan-6 FPGA es UG615 . La descripción de los segmentos DSP48A1 se puede encontrar en page 92 ff. . La plantilla de instanciación VHDL es, por ejemplo:
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- DSP48A1: 48-bit Multi-Functional Arithmetic Block
-- Spartan-6
-- Xilinx HDL Libraries Guide, version 14.7
DSP48A1_inst : DSP48A1
generic map (
A0REG => 0, -- First stage A input pipeline register (0/1)
A1REG => 1, -- Second stage A input pipeline register (0/1)
B0REG => 0, -- First stage B input pipeline register (0/1)
B1REG => 1, -- Second stage B input pipeline register (0/1)
CARRYINREG => 1, -- CARRYIN input pipeline register (0/1)
CARRYINSEL => "OPMODE5", -- Specify carry-in source, "CARRYIN" or "OPMODE5"
CARRYOUTREG => 1, -- CARRYOUT output pipeline register (0/1)
CREG => 1, -- C input pipeline register (0/1)
DREG => 1, -- D pre-adder input pipeline register (0/1)
MREG => 1, -- M pipeline register (0/1)
OPMODEREG => 1, -- Enable=1/disable=0 OPMODE input pipeline registers
PREG => 1, -- P output pipeline register (0/1)
RSTTYPE => "SYNC" -- Specify reset type, "SYNC" or "ASYNC"
port map (
-- Cascade Ports: 18-bit (each) output: Ports to cascade from one DSP48 to another
BCOUT => BCOUT, -- 18-bit output: B port cascade output
PCOUT => PCOUT, -- 48-bit output: P cascade output (if used, connect to PCIN of another DSP48A1)
-- Data Ports: 1-bit (each) output: Data input and output ports
CARRYOUT => CARRYOUT, -- 1-bit output: carry output (if used, connect to CARRYIN pin of another
-- DSP48A1)
CARRYOUTF => CARRYOUTF, -- 1-bit output: fabric carry output
M => M, -- 36-bit output: fabric multiplier data output
P => P, -- 48-bit output: data output
-- Cascade Ports: 48-bit (each) input: Ports to cascade from one DSP48 to another
PCIN => PCIN, -- 48-bit input: P cascade input (if used, connect to PCOUT of another DSP48A1)
-- Control Input Ports: 1-bit (each) input: Clocking and operation mode
CLK => CLK, -- 1-bit input: clock input
OPMODE => OPMODE, -- 8-bit input: operation mode input
-- Data Ports: 18-bit (each) input: Data input and output ports
A => A, -- 18-bit input: A data input
B => B, -- 18-bit input: B data input (connected to fabric or BCOUT of adjacent DSP48A1)
C => C, -- 48-bit input: C data input
CARRYIN => CARRYIN, -- 1-bit input: carry input signal (if used, connect to CARRYOUT pin of another
-- DSP48A1)
D => D, -- 18-bit input: B pre-adder data input
-- Reset/Clock Enable Input Ports: 1-bit (each) input: Reset and enable input ports
CEA => CEA, -- 1-bit input: active high clock enable input for A registers
CEB => CEB, -- 1-bit input: active high clock enable input for B registers
CEC => CEC, -- 1-bit input: active high clock enable input for C registers
CECARRYIN => CECARRYIN, -- 1-bit input: active high clock enable input for CARRYIN registers
CED => CED, -- 1-bit input: active high clock enable input for D registers
CEM => CEM, -- 1-bit input: active high clock enable input for multiplier registers
CEOPMODE => CEOPMODE, -- 1-bit input: active high clock enable input for OPMODE registers
CEP => CEP, -- 1-bit input: active high clock enable input for P registers
RSTA => RSTA, -- 1-bit input: reset input for A pipeline registers
RSTB => RSTB, -- 1-bit input: reset input for B pipeline registers
RSTC => RSTC, -- 1-bit input: reset input for C pipeline registers
RSTCARRYIN => RSTCARRYIN, -- 1-bit input: reset input for CARRYIN pipeline registers
RSTD => RSTD, -- 1-bit input: reset input for D pipeline registers
RSTM => RSTM, -- 1-bit input: reset input for M pipeline registers
RSTOPMODE => RSTOPMODE, -- 1-bit input: reset input for OPMODE pipeline registers
RSTP => RSTP -- 1-bit input: reset input for P pipeline registers