Simulación del efecto de persiana enrollable en matlab


Hola, estoy haciendo una simulación del efecto de persiana enrollable en matlab,

en este caso, la imagen de la hélice está distorsionada, e intenté usar un motor de CC para simular el motor del avión en casa y filmé varios videos de muestra, pero encontré que la imagen que capturé tiene una sombra como esta Porlotanto,piensocómoagregolasombraalasimulación,supongoqueestácausadaporeltiempodeobturación,escomomuestrearelvalorpromediodecadapíxelenelsensorduranteuncortoperíododetiempo(exposición),peronosabercómolidiarconeso,¿alguienpuededarmeunconsejo?


He modificado un fragmento de código que otra persona hizo para crear una imagen continua, parece funcionar correctamente en este momento.

    close all;
%% Propeller description 
omega = 31; % Angular speed in rotations per second 
length = 200; % Length of the blades in cm 
width = 10; % Cross-section width in cm. (effective projection visible 
from the camera. assumed constant.) 
numBlades = 2; % number of blade pairs - assume even number of blades 
discWidth = 0; 
%% Camera description 
frameSize = 600*[1 3/4]; % Width & height of the picture frame (in cm) 
at the plane of the propeller (assuming the propeller is at the center 
of the image) 
sensorSize = 1024*[1 3/4]; % Sensor resolution in pixels 
frameDuration = 1/30; % Time (in seconds) taken to scan all pixels in 
the sensor 
%% Initializations 
initAngle = 0; % Initial orientation of the propeller. Can be assumed 
to be anything without loss of generality. 
numPixels = prod(sensorSize); % total number of pixels 
tArrScan = [1:numPixels]'*frameDuration/numPixels; % Time instants at 
which different pixels are sampled. Starting top-left. 
% posPixels: position of the pixels. matrix of dimension numPixels x 2. 
1 row for each pixel. 2 elements 
% per pixel for X & Y coordinates. 
posPixels = -0.5+[reshape(repmat([sensorSize(2):-1:1], sensorSize(1), 
1), numPixels, 1)-sensorSize(2)/2 mod([0:numPixels-1]', 
posPixels = posPixels*frameSize(1)/sensorSize(1); % scaling to 
translate the pixels on plane of the propeller. 
distPixels = abs(posPixels * [1 i]'); % distance of the pixels from the 
center of the frame. 
angPixels = angle(posPixels * [i 1]'); % distance of the pixels from 
the center of the frame.
%k = 0;                        %%to record specified number offrames
%filename='test'; % File name for video , you can change it 
%combinedStr = strcat(filename,'.mp4');       %%combine name of video 
to make it mp4
%vidObj = VideoWriter(combinedStr,'MPEG-4');  %%create video object and 
tells type of video here type is .mp4
%vidObj.Quality = 100;         %%defines quality of video, more the 
value better is quality (slower the process)
%vidObj.FrameRate = 60;        %%defines frame rate of video to be 
%open(vidObj);                 %%opens video object to record

while 1
 %     %%Camera operation 

 img = zeros(numPixels,1); % initialization

 for kk=0:numBlades-1 % do for each balde 
angleBlade = (2*pi/numBlades*kk)+initAngle+2*pi*mod(tArrScan*omega, 1); 
% position of the blade when the pixels are being scanned. 
distPixel2Blade = sum(posPixels .* [-cos(angleBlade) sin(angleBlade)], 
2); % distance of the pixels (when they are scanned) from the axis of 
 distPixel2PerpOrigin = sum(posPixels .* [sin(angleBlade) 
 cos(angleBlade)], 2); % distance of the pixels from the axis 
 perpendicular to the blade at origin 
    distPixel2PerpOutEnd = distPixel2PerpOrigin - length; % distance of 
pixels from the axis perpendicular to the blade at the ouward end of 
 pixelIsBesideTheBlade = (distPixel2PerpOrigin .* distPixel2PerpOutEnd) 
<= 0; % Pixel is within the two ends of the blade 
 img = img+ min(abs(distPixel2Blade)<width, pixelIsBesideTheBlade); % 
add 1 to the pixels that are: (1) within distance width/2 from the line 
axis of the blade, and (2) within the two ends of the blade. 

 %figure; imagesc(min([reshape(img, sensorSize(1), 
colormap(gray); axis equal; % convert the pixels to 2-D image 
%% Create a video to show the results progressively 

 initAngle=initAngle+2*pi*mod(tArrScan(786432)*omega, 1);
 imagesc(min([reshape(img, sensorSize(1), sensorSize(2))]',1)); 
 colormap(gray); axis equal;
%     imagesc(min([reshape(tmpimg+scnimg+bldimg, sensorSize(1), sensorSize(2))]',1)); colormap(gray); axis equal; 
%  imagesc(min([reshape(max(max(2*tmpimg,scnimg),bldimg), sensorSize(1), sensorSize(2))]',1)); colormap(gray); axis equal; 



%close(vidObj); %% close video object 
pregunta Yicheng Yang

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