Hola, estoy haciendo una simulación del efecto de persiana enrollable en matlab,
en este caso, la imagen de la hélice está distorsionada, e intenté usar un motor de CC para simular el motor del avión en casa y filmé varios videos de muestra, pero encontré que la imagen que capturé tiene una sombra como esta
He modificado un fragmento de código que otra persona hizo para crear una imagen continua, parece funcionar correctamente en este momento.
close all;
%% Propeller description
omega = 31; % Angular speed in rotations per second
length = 200; % Length of the blades in cm
width = 10; % Cross-section width in cm. (effective projection visible
from the camera. assumed constant.)
numBlades = 2; % number of blade pairs - assume even number of blades
discWidth = 0;
%% Camera description
frameSize = 600*[1 3/4]; % Width & height of the picture frame (in cm)
at the plane of the propeller (assuming the propeller is at the center
of the image)
sensorSize = 1024*[1 3/4]; % Sensor resolution in pixels
frameDuration = 1/30; % Time (in seconds) taken to scan all pixels in
the sensor
%% Initializations
initAngle = 0; % Initial orientation of the propeller. Can be assumed
to be anything without loss of generality.
numPixels = prod(sensorSize); % total number of pixels
tArrScan = [1:numPixels]'*frameDuration/numPixels; % Time instants at
which different pixels are sampled. Starting top-left.
% posPixels: position of the pixels. matrix of dimension numPixels x 2.
1 row for each pixel. 2 elements
% per pixel for X & Y coordinates.
posPixels = -0.5+[reshape(repmat([sensorSize(2):-1:1], sensorSize(1),
1), numPixels, 1)-sensorSize(2)/2 mod([0:numPixels-1]',
posPixels = posPixels*frameSize(1)/sensorSize(1); % scaling to
translate the pixels on plane of the propeller.
distPixels = abs(posPixels * [1 i]'); % distance of the pixels from the
center of the frame.
angPixels = angle(posPixels * [i 1]'); % distance of the pixels from
the center of the frame.
%k = 0; %%to record specified number offrames
%filename='test'; % File name for video , you can change it
%combinedStr = strcat(filename,'.mp4'); %%combine name of video
to make it mp4
%vidObj = VideoWriter(combinedStr,'MPEG-4'); %%create video object and
tells type of video here type is .mp4
%vidObj.Quality = 100; %%defines quality of video, more the
value better is quality (slower the process)
%vidObj.FrameRate = 60; %%defines frame rate of video to be
%open(vidObj); %%opens video object to record
while 1
% %%Camera operation
img = zeros(numPixels,1); % initialization
for kk=0:numBlades-1 % do for each balde
angleBlade = (2*pi/numBlades*kk)+initAngle+2*pi*mod(tArrScan*omega, 1);
% position of the blade when the pixels are being scanned.
distPixel2Blade = sum(posPixels .* [-cos(angleBlade) sin(angleBlade)],
2); % distance of the pixels (when they are scanned) from the axis of
distPixel2PerpOrigin = sum(posPixels .* [sin(angleBlade)
cos(angleBlade)], 2); % distance of the pixels from the axis
perpendicular to the blade at origin
distPixel2PerpOutEnd = distPixel2PerpOrigin - length; % distance of
pixels from the axis perpendicular to the blade at the ouward end of
pixelIsBesideTheBlade = (distPixel2PerpOrigin .* distPixel2PerpOutEnd)
<= 0; % Pixel is within the two ends of the blade
img = img+ min(abs(distPixel2Blade)<width, pixelIsBesideTheBlade); %
add 1 to the pixels that are: (1) within distance width/2 from the line
axis of the blade, and (2) within the two ends of the blade.
%figure; imagesc(min([reshape(img, sensorSize(1),
colormap(gray); axis equal; % convert the pixels to 2-D image
%% Create a video to show the results progressively
initAngle=initAngle+2*pi*mod(tArrScan(786432)*omega, 1);
imagesc(min([reshape(img, sensorSize(1), sensorSize(2))]',1));
colormap(gray); axis equal;
% imagesc(min([reshape(tmpimg+scnimg+bldimg, sensorSize(1), sensorSize(2))]',1)); colormap(gray); axis equal;
% imagesc(min([reshape(max(max(2*tmpimg,scnimg),bldimg), sensorSize(1), sensorSize(2))]',1)); colormap(gray); axis equal;
%close(vidObj); %% close video object