Estoy intentando configurar un control de bucle cerrado para la velocidad de un motor de CC. Tengo un pequeño motor de corriente continua con un codificador de 8 bits. Estoy manejando el motor usando PWM en un arduino y un L298N h-bridge.
Aquí está el código que se me ocurrió. Hice que funcionara bien para hacer el control de posición del motor y ahora estoy tratando de adaptarlo a la velocidad.
int ticks = 0; // encoder ticks
int ticks2 = 0; // stored copy of interrupt ticks
int error, drive;
int pinI1=8; // enable left wheel motor
int pinI2=11; // enable left wheel motor
int pinI3=12; // enable right wheel motor
int pinI4=13; // enable right wheel motor
int speedpinA=9;//left motor
int speedpinB=10;//right motor
double tStart=0, loopTime=0, tStop;
float Vr, Vl; //wheel velocities
//********************Change the tuning parameters here**********************
//Velocity set point. Number of encoder ticks. 256/rev.
int velocity = 150; // mm/s
//How close to the desired setpoint before we switch to the conservative PID
int gapDist=1;
double aggK=1, aggKp=1, aggKi=2, aggKd=0.2;
double consK=1, consKp=1, consKi=2, consKd=0.2;
void setup(){
attachInterrupt(0, rWheel, RISING);
void forward(){
digitalWrite(pinI4,LOW);//right wheel forward
digitalWrite(pinI2,LOW);//right wheel forward
void backward(){
analogWrite(speedpinA,drive);//input a simulation value to set the speed
digitalWrite(pinI4,HIGH);//right wheel backward
digitalWrite(pinI2,HIGH);//left wheel backward
void Stop(){
digitalWrite(speedpinB, LOW);
ticks = 0;
void loop(){
ticks2 = ticks; //Store a copy of the interrupt ticks
//******* Set up for PID **********************************************************
double gap = abs(velocity - Vr); //distance away from setpoint
if(gap <gapDist)
{ //we're close to setpoint, use conservative tuning parameters
drive = updatePid(velocity,Vr, consK, consKp, consKi, consKd);
//we're far from setpoint, use aggressive tuning parameters
drive = updatePid(velocity,Vr, aggK, aggKp, aggKi, aggKd);
// minimum PWM to drive the motors
if(drive < 40 && drive > 0){ drive = 40;}
if(drive > -40 && drive < 0){ drive = -40;}
forward(); // drive forward
Vr = (0.8741/loopTime)*1000; // Calculate wheel velocity mm/s, 0.8741 mm/tick
Serial.print("Vr: "); Serial.print(Vr); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("PWM: "); Serial.println(drive);
// wheel encoder interrupt
void rWheel(){
loopTime = millis() - tStart;
tStart = millis();
ticks = ticks++;
función updatePID
#define GUARD_GAIN 20.0
int last_error = 0;
int integrated_error = 0;
int pTerm = 0, iTerm = 0, dTerm = 0;
int updatePid(int targetPosition, int currentPosition, float K, int Kp, int Ki, int Kd) {
error = targetPosition - currentPosition;
pTerm = Kp * error;
integrated_error += error;
iTerm = Ki * constrain(integrated_error, -GUARD_GAIN, GUARD_GAIN);
dTerm = Kd * (error - last_error);
last_error = error;
return constrain(K*(pTerm + iTerm + dTerm), 0, 255);
Aquí hay una salida que muestra la velocidad de rueda calculada Vr y la configuración PWM calculada desde el regulador PID. La velocidad objetivo es de 150 mm / s para este ejemplo. He intentado jugar con las ganancias PID pero no parece ayudar. Siento que me estoy perdiendo algo obvio aquí.
Vr: 145.68 PWM: 190
Vr: 145.68 PWM: 45
Vr: 174.82 PWM: 45
Vr: 124.87 PWM: 40
Vr: 145.68 PWM: 66
Vr: 145.68 PWM: 45
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 45
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 81
Vr: 97.12 PWM: 81
Vr: 97.12 PWM: 93
Vr: 124.87 PWM: 93
Vr: 124.87 PWM: 66
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 66
Vr: 124.87 PWM: 81
Vr: 124.87 PWM: 66
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 66
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 81
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 81
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 81
Vr: 124.87 PWM: 81
Vr: 124.87 PWM: 66
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 66
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 81
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 81
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 81
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 81
Vr: 124.87 PWM: 81
Vr: 124.87 PWM: 66
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 66
Vr: 109.26 PWM: 81