Estoy desarrollando un teclado tanto en hardware como en Verilog usando una placa DE2 Cyclone II. Hice un teclado usando botones (interruptores) que siguen este esquema:
El escáner funciona configurando las entradas de Columna todas en ALTO (1) en el estado inicial, y cuando se detecta una pulsación de tecla, escanea cada columna individualmente y cuando detecta que una de las filas tiene un valor lógico ALTO, Se procederá a decodificar qué tecla se ha pulsado. Probé el circuito físico usando sondas lógicas y está funcionando correctamente.
Creé un programa Verilog que detectaría la tecla presionada, y también explicaría el efecto de rebote de los botones. El problema es que cuando conecto los cables a los pines GPIO correctos del encabezado de Expansión de la placa DE2 y pruebo mi programa, parece que realiza el siguiente comportamiento: No importa qué tecla en qué columna presiono, la Máquina del Estado. comienza en el estado inicial S1 (C [2: 0] = 111), avanza a S2 cuando se presiona una tecla (C [2: 0] = 001), continúa captando una señal alta en K (resultado de | R [ 3: 0]) y procede a S5, el estado final donde se decodifica la clave.
Por ejemplo, cualquier tecla presionada genera la siguiente salida:
Cualquier tecla presionada en Row0: KeyValue = 1.
Cualquier tecla presionada en Row1: KeyValue = 4.
Cualquier tecla presionada en Row2: KeyValue = 7.
Cualquier tecla presionada en Row2: KeyValue = A.
El comportamiento esperado es que continuará escaneando la Columna 2 (C [2: 0] = 010) o la Columna 3 (C [2: 0] = 100) si es necesario, ya que se podrían presionar las teclas de estas columnas. Desafortunadamente, esto no sucede.
No estoy seguro de cuál es el problema. Revisé el código varias veces y no veo la causa. Siento que es un problema de tiempo, ¿alguien podría sugerir alguna forma de mejorar mi código (especialmente la máquina de estados finitos en keyscan )?
/* KEYPAD MATRIX Scanner, Debouncer, and Decoder. */
//DE2 Board Expansion pinout:
module keypad (CLOCK_50, GPIO_0, LEDG, HEX0);
input CLOCK_50;
inout [23:11] GPIO_0; // //changing R input values
output [1:0] LEDG;
output [0:6] HEX0;
wire KeyPress; //valid key press detected
wire [3:0] KeyValue;
output KeyPress; //valid key press detected
output [3:0] KeyValue;
wire K, Kd; //for debouncer circuit
wire Q1; //identifies whether current state is S5 (idle).
wire [2:0] C; //Column output pin (for scanner circuit)
wire [3:0] R;
assign R[3] = GPIO_0[17];
assign R[2] = GPIO_0[15];
assign R[1] = GPIO_0[13];
assign R[0] = GPIO_0[11];
debounce(R, Q1, Kd, K, CLOCK_50);
keyscan(Kd, K, CLOCK_50, KeyPress, C, Q1);
decoder(R, C, KeyValue, KeyPress);
//assign C to output pins...
assign GPIO_0[19] = C[0];
assign GPIO_0[21] = C[1];
assign GPIO_0[23] = C[2];
assign LEDG[0] = KeyPress;
seven_seg_decoder(KeyValue, HEX0);
/* Decoder is solely a combinational circuit (no flip-flops).
Its output will change as the keypad is scanned. At the time a valid key
is pressed (V=1), its output will have the correct value, and may be saved
in a register elsewhere. */
module decoder(R, C, N, V);
input [3:0] R; //active rows in key matrix
input [2:0] C; //active columns in key matrix
input V;
output reg [3:0] N; //key number
/*FIXED logic: Last two encoded buttons changed FROM [0000, 1011] TO [1011, 1100]*/
always @(posedge V) begin
N[3] = R[3] | (R[2] & ~C[0]);
N[2] = R[1] | (R[2] & C[0]) | (R[3] & C[2]);
N[1] = (R[0] & ~C[0]) | (R[3] & ~C[2]) | (R[1] & C[2]) | (R[2] & C[0]);
N[0] = (C[1] & (R[1] | R[3])) | (~C[1] & (R[0] | R[2]));
assign N[3] = (R[2] & ~C[0]) | (R[3] & ~C[1]);
assign N[2] = R[1] | (R[2] & C[0]);
assign N[1] = (R[0] & ~C[0]) | (~R[2] & C[2]) | (~R[1] & ~R[0] & C[0]);
assign N[0] = (R[1] & C[1]) | (~R[1] & C[2]) | (~R[3] & ~R[1] & ~C[1]); */
module debounce(R, Q1, Kd, K, Clk_50);
input [3:0] R; //activated rows of keypad
input Q1; //is scanner in S5 state? 1 for true, 0 for false.
input Clk_50;
output K; //immediate Key detector (primarily used for scan)
output Kd; //debounced Key
wire dClk;
clock_50M_toX(Clk_50, dClk);
assign K = |R; //binary OR reductor
wire DA;
wire QA;
assign DA = (QA & ~Q1) | K;
D_flipflop(DA, dClk, QA);
D_flipflop(QA, dClk, Kd);
//Key scanner FSM
//Modeled on following:
module keyscan(Kd, K, Clk, V, C, Q1);
input Kd, K;
input Clk; //Clock - 50MHz
output reg [2:0] C;
output reg V;
output reg Q1; //top state bin value (X6)
/* Q1 used in debounce circuit to provide extra security
blanket for K input (in case of error or delay with K) */
State assignment (One-Hot):
S1 = 00001 START state
S2 = 00010
S3 = 00100
S4 = 01000
S5 = 10000 IDLE/DEST state
State transition table:
State Bin Kd K NextBin Next
S1 00001 1 X 00010 S2
0 X 00001 S1
S2 00010 X 0 00100 S3
X 1 10000 S5
S3 00100 X 0 01000 S4
X 1 10000 S5
S4 01000 X 0 10000 S5 <-shouldn't ever happen, but JIC
X 1 10000 S5
S5 10000 1 X 10000 S5
0 X 00001 S1
ERR 00000 X X 00000 WAIT <- Just for fun
//Mealy + Moore FSM
reg [4:0] state = 5'b00001;
reg [4:0] next_state;
initial begin //SET starting state
state = 5'b00001;
assign state[0] = (state[0] & ~Kd) | (state[4] & ~Kd);
assign state[1] = state[0] & Kd;
assign state[2] = state[1] & ~K;
assign state[3] = state[2] & ~K;
assign state[4] = (state[1] & K) | (state[2] & K) | state[3] | (state[4] & Kd);
assign Q1 = state[4]; //X6*/
always @ (state or Kd or K) begin
next_state[0] = (state[0] & ~Kd) | (state[4] & ~Kd);
next_state[1] = state[0] & Kd;
next_state[2] = state[1] & ~K;
next_state[3] = state[2] & ~K;
next_state[4] = (state[1] & K) | (state[2] & K) | state[3] | (state[4] & Kd);
Q1 = next_state[4];
always @(posedge Clk) begin
state <= next_state;
case (state)
5'b00001: begin //S1
V = 1'b0;
C <= 3'b111;
5'b00010: begin //S2
C <= 3'b001;
5'b00100: begin //S3
C <= 3'b010;
5'b01000: begin //S4
C <= 3'b100;
5'b10000: begin //S5
//***while here, don't change C.
V <= 1'b1;
/* Manually adjust values here depending on bounce time */
module clock_50M_toX(Clk_50MHz, dClk);
input Clk_50MHz;
output dClk;
reg pulse_XHz = 1; //start off high (w/0 registering "posedge")
Formula for calculating bit length of counter.
Say bounce time = Xms.
Then num pulses of 50MgHz gone by for entire duration of Xms:
n = (X/1000) * (50 *10^6)
We want to simulate the rising and falling edge of the pulse,
so we mark the halfway pulse point like so:
n_half = n / 2
Then the length of the counter to hold the correct pulses
and toggle the clock is:
c = ceil(log2(n_half))
=> reg [c-1:0] clock_pulses!!
=> if (clock_pulses < ((n_half) - 1)) begin
reg [16:0] clock_pulses; //try ~3ms
always @ (posedge Clk_50MHz) begin
//Marking the halfway point in order to simulate
//the rising and falling edge of the 1Hz clock pulse.
if (clock_pulses < ((75000) - 1)) begin
clock_pulses <= clock_pulses + 1;
end else begin
clock_pulses <= 0;
pulse_XHz <= ~pulse_XHz;
assign dClk = pulse_XHz;
/* positive edge triggered D_FF without reset */
module D_flipflop(d, clk, q);
input d, clk;
output q;
reg q;
always @(posedge clk) begin
q <= d;
//hexadecimal convertor: converts any value from 0 to 15
//hexadecimal: a consequetive group of 4 binary digits can be considered independently, and converted directly
module seven_seg_decoder(V, Display);
input [3:0] V; //input code
output [0:6] Display; //output 7-seg code
//When you want to turn on a segment, set it low
assign Display[0] = (~V[3] & ~V[1] & (V[2] ^ V[0])) | (V[3] & V[0] & (V[2] ^ V[1]));
assign Display[1] = (~V[3] & V[2] & ~V[1] & V[0]) | (V[3] & V[2] & ~V[0]) | (V[3] & V[1] & V[0]) | (V[2] & V[1] & ~V[0]);
assign Display[2] = (~V[0] & ((V[3] & V[2] & ~V[1]) | (~V[3] & ~V[2] & V[1]))) | (V[3] & V[2] & V[1]);
assign Display[3] = (~V[3] & ~V[1] & (V[2] ^ V[0])) | (V[3] & ~V[2] & V[1] & ~V[0]) | (V[2] & V[1] & V[0]);
assign Display[4] = (~V[3] & V[2] & ~V[1]) | (V[0] & ((~V[2] & ~V[1]) | ~V[3]));
assign Display[5] = (V[3] & V[2] & ~V[1] & V[0]) | (~V[3] & ~V[2] & (V[1] | V[0])) | (~V[3] & V[1] & V[0]);
assign Display[6] = (V[3] & V[2] & ~V[1] & ~V[0]) | (~V[3] & V[2] & V[1] & V[0]) | (~V[3] & ~V[2] & ~V[1]);