Estoy trabajando en ejemplos de libros de texto para mejorar en el análisis de principiantes. Estoy teniendo problemas con este circuito.
Steps I've tried:
1) 10k*20k / 30k = 6.6666...k ohms
2) 5k*10k / 15k = 3.3333...k ohms
3) those are now in series, for 10k ohms equiv on the left side
4) from the right, 8k+4k = 12k ohms
5) 144k / 24k = 6k ohms
6) 6k + 4k = 10k ohms equiv. on the right side
7) now the 3k ohm resistor is in parallel with both the 10k ohm equiv resistors
on both side, so I know the voltage across both 10k ohm resistors is 16V.
Calculating current, I find that current is 1.6mA across each combined 10k
ohm resistor
8) now, splitting the 10k ohm resistor into the 6k and 4k in series, i know they
both share 1.6mA current; thus V1 = 1.6mA * 4000 ohms = 6.4 V.
Me detuve aquí porque obtuve la respuesta incorrecta. ¿Alguien por favor me ayudará a resolver esto?