Vhdl habilitar sin pregunta de reloj


Hice este código y me pregunto qué debo hacer para poner una habilitación sin un reloj.

¿Tengo que poner cada línea por una si? Gracias por adelantado. ¿Me gusta esto?

if(enable = '1') then
            if(binInput = "0001") then 
            decOut_n <= "1111001"

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity Bin7SegDecoder is
    port( enable   : in std_logic;
            binInput : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
            decOut_n : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0));
end Bin7SegDecoder;

architecture Behavioral of Bin7SegDecoder is
        decOut_n <= "1111001" when (binInput = "0001") else --1
                        "0100100" when (binInput = "0010") else --2
                        "0110000" when (binInput = "0011") else --3
                        "0011001" when (binInput = "0100") else --4
                        "0010010" when (binInput = "0101") else --5
                        "0000010" when (binInput = "0110") else --6
                        "1111000" when (binInput = "0111") else --7
                        "0000000" when (binInput = "1000") else --8
                        "0010000" when (binInput = "1001") else --9
                        "0001000" when (binInput = "1010") else --A
                        "0000011" when (binInput = "1011") else --B
                        "1000110" when (binInput = "1100") else --C
                        "0100001" when (binInput = "1101") else --D
                        "0000110" when (binInput = "1110") else --E
                        "0001110" when (binInput = "1111") else --F
                        "1000000"; --0

    end if;
end Behavioral;
pregunta João

1 respuesta


Puede insertar una condición en cada línea:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity Bin7SegDecoder is
        enable   : in std_logic;
        binInput : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        decOut_n : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)
end Bin7SegDecoder;

architecture Behavioral of Bin7SegDecoder is
    process(binInput, enable)
        decOut_n <= "1111001" when (binInput = "0001") and enable = '1' else --1
                    "0100100" when (binInput = "0010") and enable = '1' else --2
                    "0110000" when (binInput = "0011") and enable = '1' else --3
                    "0011001" when (binInput = "0100") and enable = '1' else --4
                    "0010010" when (binInput = "0101") and enable = '1' else --5
                    "0000010" when (binInput = "0110") and enable = '1' else --6
                    "1111000" when (binInput = "0111") and enable = '1' else --7
                    "0000000" when (binInput = "1000") and enable = '1' else --8
                    "0010000" when (binInput = "1001") and enable = '1' else --9
                    "0001000" when (binInput = "1010") and enable = '1' else --A
                    "0000011" when (binInput = "1011") and enable = '1' else --B
                    "1000110" when (binInput = "1100") and enable = '1' else --C
                    "0100001" when (binInput = "1101") and enable = '1' else --D
                    "0000110" when (binInput = "1110") and enable = '1' else --E
                    "0001110" when (binInput = "1111") and enable = '1' else --F
                    "1000000"; --0
    end process;

end Behavioral;

O haga un if para todas las declaraciones:

architecture Behavioral of Bin7SegDecoder is
    process(binInput, enable)
        if enable = '1' then
            decOut_n <= "1111001" when (binInput = "0001") else --1
                        "0100100" when (binInput = "0010") else --2
                        "0110000" when (binInput = "0011") else --3
                        "0011001" when (binInput = "0100") else --4
                        "0010010" when (binInput = "0101") else --5
                        "0000010" when (binInput = "0110") else --6
                        "1111000" when (binInput = "0111") else --7
                        "0000000" when (binInput = "1000") else --8
                        "0010000" when (binInput = "1001") else --9
                        "0001000" when (binInput = "1010") else --A
                        "0000011" when (binInput = "1011") else --B
                        "1000110" when (binInput = "1100") else --C
                        "0100001" when (binInput = "1101") else --D
                        "0000110" when (binInput = "1110") else --E
                        "0001110" when (binInput = "1111") else --F
                        "1000000"; --0
        end if;
    end process;

end Behavioral;

Pero de todos modos no deberías poner if fuera de
architecture Behavioral of Bin7SegDecoder is begin ... end Behavioral
esta parte del código

respondido por el Roman

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