se muestra
ERROR: Xst: 827 - "C: / Users / namec / Desktop / Class / VHDL / Traffic_Light / Traffic_lig ht.vhd" línea 46: La señal next_states1 no se puede sintetizar, mala descripción síncrona. El estilo de descripción que está utilizando para describir un elemento síncrono (registro, memoria, etc.) no se admite en la versión actual del software.
Highway: process(CLk)
variable counter: integer := 0;
case traffic_states1 is
when H0 =>
if (Input='0' and rising_edge(clk)) then
next_states1 <= H0;
counter := counter + 1;
elsif (counter <=20) and rising_edge(clk) then
next_states1 <= H0;
counter := counter + 1;
elsif Input='1' and rising_edge(clk) and (counter >20) then
next_states1 <= H1;
counter := 0;
-- else next_states1 <= traffic_states1;
end if;
when H1 =>
if counter = 3 and rising_edge(clk) then
next_states1 <= H2;
counter := 0;
next_states1 <= H1;
counter := counter + 1;
end if;
when H2 =>
if rising_edge(clk) and counter = 9 then
next_states1 <= H0;
counter := 0;
next_states1 <= H2;
counter := counter + 1;
end if;
when others =>