Código VHDL Lectura de la memoria RAM completa: los datos se repiten cada 128 direcciones


Estoy usando un FPGA Basys 3 con una memoria conectada y usando Vivado 2016.2. Mi objetivo es leer de 2 ^ 21 espacios de memoria de la RAM y enviar los datos a la computadora usando UART. Estoy usando un script MATLAB para capturar los datos seriales de UART. Pero, parece que mi código puede incrementar la dirección hasta 128 y leer datos de esas direcciones. Después de eso, la dirección se reinicia desde 0 y obtengo datos repetidos. Soy muy nuevo en VHDL y el código está escrito de forma ingenua. Supongo que el problema podría estar en el encasillado. La dirección que se comunica con la RAM es un std_logic_vector (20 downto 0). Pero, como necesitábamos incrementar la dirección en 1, hicimos ese incremento usando unsigned (20 downto 0) y luego escribimos s_rw_addr < = std_logic_vector (addr). [addr no tiene firma y s_rw_addr es std_logic_vector que se conectó a la RAM mediante puertos físicos].

Para resumir, MATLAB está recibiendo datos, pero los datos se repiten cada 128 veces. ¿Como puedó resolver esté problema?


library IEEE;

entity control is
    port (
        clk: in std_logic;
        rst: in std_logic;
        u_rd_data: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
        u_rd_ready: in std_logic;
        u_rd_clear: out std_logic;
        u_wr_data: out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
        u_wr_ready: in std_logic;
        u_wr_start: out std_logic;
        s_rw_addr: out std_logic_vector (20 downto 0);
        s_rd_data: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
        s_wr_data: out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
        s_rw_sel: out std_logic;
        s_rw_start: out std_logic;
        s_rw_ready: in std_logic
end control;

architecture arch of control is
    type state_t is (
        idle, clear, check_sram_rd_ready,
        sram_read, sram_rd_ready, sram_read_done, uart_data_send, uart_send_wait, read_running,
        sram_read_buf1, sram_read_buf2, sram_rd_ready_buf1, sram_rd_ready_buf2
    signal state, n_state: state_t := idle;

    --type data_t is array (0 to 3) of std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
    --signal data, n_data: data_t := (others => (others => '0'));
    signal s_read_data, s_write_data: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); 
    --signal dir, n_dir: std_logic;
    signal i, n_i: unsigned (1 downto 0);
    signal addr, n_addr: unsigned (20 downto 0):=(others => '0');
    signal addr_increment: unsigned (20 downto 0):= (others => '0');
    signal increment: unsigned (20 downto 0):= "000000000000000000001";

    signal n_addr_increment: std_logic_vector (20 downto 0):= (others => '0');

    signal read_write_selector, read_write_start: std_logic; 
    signal n_read_write_selector, n_read_write_start: std_logic;

    -- clock process
    process (clk) is
        if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
            state <= n_state;
            data <= n_data;
            dir <= n_dir;
            i <= n_i;
            addr <= n_addr;
            --addr_increment <= n_addr_increment;
            read_write_selector <=n_read_write_selector;
            read_write_start <= n_read_write_start;
        end if;
    end process;
    -- transition logic
    process (state, u_rd_data, u_rd_ready, u_wr_ready, s_rd_data, s_rw_ready,
        data, dir, i, addr, f, rst, read_write_selector,read_write_start ) is
        n_state <= state;
        n_data <= data;
        n_dir <= dir;
        n_i <= i;
        n_addr <= addr;
        n_read_write_selector <=read_write_selector ;
        n_read_write_start <= read_write_start;
        case state is
            when idle =>
                if (u_rd_ready = '1') then
                    n_state <= clear;

                end if;
                u_wr_start <= '0';

            when clear =>
                 if (u_rd_data= "00001111") then --u_rd_data = "11110000"
                    n_state <= sram_rd_ready;
                    n_i <= (others => '0');
                    n_addr <= "000000000000000000000";
                    addr_increment <= "000000000000000000000";
                    --n_addr <= addr_increment; --n_addr <= (others => '0')
                    n_state <= idle;
                end if;

            when sram_rd_ready =>
                -- u_wr_start <= '0';

                if (s_rw_ready = '1') then
                   n_state <= sram_read;
                    n_state <= check_sram_rd_ready;
                end if;       

            when check_sram_rd_ready =>
                n_state <= sram_rd_ready;

            when sram_read =>    
                n_read_write_selector <= '0'; -- 0 for read, 1 for write 
                n_read_write_start <= '1'; -- 1 for start 
                n_state <= sram_read_buf1;

           when sram_read_buf1 =>
                if (s_rw_ready = '0') then
                    n_state <= sram_read_buf2;
                    n_state <= sram_read_done;
                end if;
           when sram_read_buf2 =>
                -- n_read_write_start <= '0';
                n_state <= sram_read_buf1;

            when sram_read_done => 
                    n_read_write_start <= '0'; -- 0 for start 
                    s_read_data <= s_rd_data;
                    n_state <= uart_data_send;

            when read_running =>
                    n_state <= sram_read_done;

            when uart_data_send =>
                if (u_wr_ready = '1') then  -----nik
                     u_wr_data <= s_read_data;------ niik
                     u_wr_start <= '1';  ---- nik
                    --if (addr_increment < "000000000000000001111") then
                        n_state <= sram_rd_ready_buf1;
                        --addr_increment <= std_logic(unsigned(n_addr)+1);
                        addr_increment <= n_addr + increment; --- n_addr in bracket
                        --addr <= addr_increment;
                        --addr_increment <= n_addr_increment;
                        --u_wr_start <= '0';
                        --u_wr_start <= '1';
                        --n_state <= idle;
                        -- u_rd_clear <='1';
                    -- end if;   
                     --u_rd_clear <='1';
                     n_state <= uart_send_wait;
                end if;

            when uart_send_wait =>
                    n_state <= uart_data_send;

            when sram_rd_ready_buf1 =>
            --    if (u_wr_ready = '0') then 
                         n_state <= sram_rd_ready_buf2;
                         n_addr <= addr_increment;
               --    else
                 --       n_state <= sram_rd_ready;
                 --       n_addr <= addr_increment;
                --    end if;

            when sram_rd_ready_buf2 =>
                      n_state <= sram_rd_ready;

        end case;
    end process;

    s_rw_addr <= std_logic_vector(addr) ;--(addr);
    s_rw_sel <= read_write_selector;
    s_rw_start <= read_write_start;
    --n_addr <= addr_increment;

end arch;

library IEEE;

entity basys3_top is
    port (
        clk: in std_logic;
        btnC: in std_logic;
        btnU: in std_logic;
        uart_txd: out std_logic;
        uart_rxd: in std_logic;
        sram_data: inout std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
        sram_addr: out std_logic_vector (20 downto 0);
        sram_wr, sram_rd: out std_logic;
        sram_en: out std_logic; 
        seg_an: out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
        led: out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)
end basys3_top;

architecture arch of basys3_top is
    signal u_rd_ready, u_rd_clear: std_logic;
    signal u_wr_ready, u_wr_start: std_logic;
    signal u_rd_data, u_wr_data: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
    signal clk1 : std_logic;
    signal s_rw_addr: std_logic_vector (20 downto 0);
    signal s_rd_data, s_wr_data: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
    signal s_rw_sel, s_rw_start, s_rw_ready: std_logic;

    --signal sram_en, sram_wr, sram_rd: std_logic;
    -- signal sram_addr: std_logic_vector (20 downto 0);
    -- signal sram_data: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);

    signal db_btnC, db_btnU: std_logic;
    component clk_wiz_0 is
            port (
             clk_out1 : out std_logic;
             clk_in1 : in std_logic
            end component clk_wiz_0;
    uVGA_CLK : clk_wiz_0
        port map (
                clk_out1 => clk1,
                clk_in1 => clk

    uart_control: entity work.uart_control
        port map ( clk1, db_btnC, u_rd_data, u_rd_ready, u_rd_clear, u_wr_data, u_wr_ready, u_wr_start,
            uart_txd, uart_rxd );
    control: entity work.control
        port map ( clk1, db_btnC, u_rd_data, u_rd_ready, u_rd_clear, u_wr_data, u_wr_ready, u_wr_start,
            s_rw_addr, s_rd_data, s_wr_data, s_rw_sel, s_rw_start, s_rw_ready );
    sram_control: entity work.sram_control
        port map ( clk1, db_btnC, s_rw_addr, s_rd_data, s_wr_data, s_rw_sel, s_rw_start, s_rw_ready,
            sram_en, sram_wr, sram_rd, sram_addr, sram_data );
    debouncer0: entity work.debouncer
        port map ( clk, btnC, db_btnC );
    debouncer1: entity work.debouncer
        port map ( clk, btnU, db_btnU );

    seg_an <= (others => '1'); -- prevent light from leaking current under floating signals
    led <= "00000000" & sram_data; --& sram_addr (4 downto 0); -- & sram_en & sram_wr & sram_rd &
   -- sram_data <= (others => 'Z');
end arch;

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