Estoy haciendo un módulo de contador en la placa Basys-2. Esta es mi instanciación del circuito de desmontaje
debouncing U0(
Pero estoy recibiendo un error en Xilinx 14.7 como
ADVERTENCIA: Xst: 646 - La señal se asigna pero nunca se usa. Esta señal desconectada se recortará durante el proceso de optimización. ADVERTENCIA: Xst: 1290 - El bloque jerárquico está desconectado en el bloque. Será eliminado del diseño.
Si es que tengo que incluir esta creación de instancias en el módulo contador, ¿dónde debería y por qué recibo este error?
Counter Circuit
module button_binary(
input clock,
input reset,
input button,
output led,
output led2,
output led3,
output led4,
output led5,
output led6,
output led7,
output led8
reg [7:0]count;
always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset)
if (reset)
count <= 0;
else if (button)
count <= count + 1;
assign led = count[0];
assign led2 = count[1];
assign led3 = count[2];
assign led4 = count[3];
assign led5 = count[4];
assign led6 = count[5];
assign led7 = count[6];
assign led8 = count[7];
// Módulo de debouncing
module debouncing(
input clock,
input reset,
input button,
output reg out
localparam N = 19; //for a 10ms tick
reg [N-1:0]count;
wire tick;
//the counter that will generate the tick.
always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset)
count <= 0;
count <= count + 1;
assign tick = &count; //AND every bit of count with itself. Tick will only go high when all 19 bits of count are 1, i.e. after 10ms
// now for the debouncing FSM
localparam[2:0] //defining the various states to be used
zero = 3'b000,
high1 = 3'b001,
high2 = 3'b010,
high3 = 3'b011,
one = 3'b100,
low1 = 3'b101,
low2 = 3'b110,
low3 = 3'b111;
reg [2:0]state_reg;
reg [2:0]state_next;
always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset)
if (reset)
state_reg <= zero;
state_reg <= state_next;
always @ (*)
state_next <= state_reg; // to make the current state the default state
out <= 1'b0; // default output low
if (button) //if button is detected go to next state high1
state_next <= high1;
if (~button) //while here if button goes back to zero then input is not yet stable and go back to state zero
state_next <= zero;
else if (tick) //but if button remains high even after 10 ms, go to next state high2.
state_next <= high2;
if (~button) //while here if button goes back to zero then input is not yet stable and go back to state zero
state_next <= zero;
else if (tick) //else if after 20ms (10ms + 10ms) button is still high go to high3
state_next <= high3;
if (~button) //while here if button goes back to zero then input is not yet stable and go back to state zero
state_next <= zero;
else if (tick) //and finally even after 30 ms input stays high then it is stable enough to be considered a valid input, go to state one
state_next <= one;
one: //debouncing eliminated make output high, now here I'll check for bouncing when button is released
out <= 1'b1;
if (~button) //if button appears to be released go to next state low1
state_next <= low1;
if (button) //while here if button goes back to high then input is not yet stable and go back to state one
state_next <= one;
else if (tick) //else if after 10ms it is still high go to next state low2
state_next <= low2;
if (button) //while here if button goes back to high then input is not yet stable and go back to state one
state_next <= one;
else if (tick) //else if after 20ms it is still high go to next state low3
state_next <= low3;
if (button) //while here if button goes back to high then input is not yet stable and go back to state one
state_next <= one;
else if (tick) //after 30 ms if button is low it has actually been released and bouncing eliminated, go back to zero state to wait for next input.
state_next <= zero;
default state_next <= zero;