Conecté mi propio FIFO a xillydemo. Más precisamente, xillydemo recibe algunos datos, tiene que convertir los datos y enviar los datos a FIFO. a su vez, el FIFO debe enviar datos a xillydemo. Lo que quiero hacer es convertir (en xillydemo.vhd
) uno cada ocho caracteres de mayúsculas a minúsculas (y viceversa) y luego enviarlos a STD_FIFO. (Por ejemplo, la cadena de entrada en xillydemo.vhd es "HelloMyNameIsJohnAndIWorkInUK", la cadena que se enviará a STD_FIFO debe ser "helloMyNAmeIsJohNAndIWorKInUK").
Para hacer esto, definí 4 señales wr_en
, full
, din
y counter
en xillydemo.vhd. wr_en
, full
y din
están conectados a user_w_write_8_wren
, user_w_write_8_full
y user_w_write_8_data
xillydemosignals respectivamente. El counter
se usa para contar de 0 a 7 para convertir solo el primer char. El problema de mi código es que no genera nada. Por ejemplo, si la cadena de entrada xillydemo es "HelloMyNameIsJohnAndIWorkInUK", la cadena enviada de STD_FIFO a xillydemo está vacía.
NOTA: el problema no es similar a este pregunta porque el usuario sugirió ir a esta otra pregunta . La diferencia entre esta pregunta y las dos preguntas vinculadas es que aquí quiero enviar a FIFO los caracteres intercambiados y no convertirlos en lógica FIFO.
Aquí xillydmeo.vhd:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity xillydemo is
port (
PCIE_PERST_B_LS : IN std_logic;
PCIE_REFCLK_N : IN std_logic;
PCIE_REFCLK_P : IN std_logic;
PCIE_RX_N : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_RX_P : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
GPIO_LED : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_TX_N : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_TX_P : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0));
end xillydemo;
architecture sample_arch of xillydemo is
component xillybus
port (
PCIE_PERST_B_LS : IN std_logic;
PCIE_REFCLK_N : IN std_logic;
PCIE_REFCLK_P : IN std_logic;
PCIE_RX_N : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_RX_P : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
GPIO_LED : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_TX_N : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
PCIE_TX_P : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0);
bus_clk : OUT std_logic;
quiesce : OUT std_logic;
user_r_read_8_rden : OUT std_logic;
user_r_read_8_empty : IN std_logic;
user_r_read_8_data : IN std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);
user_r_read_8_eof : IN std_logic;
user_r_read_8_open : OUT std_logic;
user_w_write_8_wren : OUT std_logic;
user_w_write_8_full : IN std_logic;
user_w_write_8_data : OUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);
user_w_write_8_open : OUT std_logic);
end component;
component STD_FIFO
port (
CLK: IN std_logic;
RST: IN std_logic;
DataIn: IN std_logic_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
WriteEn: IN std_logic;
ReadEn: IN std_logic;
DataOut: OUT std_logic_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
Full: OUT std_logic;
Empty: OUT std_logic);
end component;
signal bus_clk : std_logic;
signal quiesce : std_logic;
signal reset_8 : std_logic;
signal user_r_read_8_rden : std_logic;
signal user_r_read_8_empty : std_logic;
signal user_r_read_8_data : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);
signal user_r_read_8_eof : std_logic;
signal user_r_read_8_open : std_logic;
signal user_w_write_8_wren : std_logic;
signal user_w_write_8_full : std_logic;
signal user_w_write_8_data : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);
signal user_w_write_8_open : std_logic;
signal wr_en : std_logic := '0';
signal din : std_logic_vector(user_w_write_8_data'range) := (others => '0');
signal counter : integer := 0;
signal full : std_logic := '0';
xillybus_ins : xillybus
port map (
-- Ports related to /dev/xillybus_read_8
-- FPGA to CPU signals:
user_r_read_8_rden => user_r_read_8_rden,
user_r_read_8_empty => user_r_read_8_empty,
user_r_read_8_data => user_r_read_8_data,
user_r_read_8_eof => user_r_read_8_eof,
user_r_read_8_open => user_r_read_8_open,
-- Ports related to /dev/xillybus_write_8
-- CPU to FPGA signals:
user_w_write_8_wren => user_w_write_8_wren,
user_w_write_8_full => user_w_write_8_full,
user_w_write_8_data => user_w_write_8_data,
user_w_write_8_open => user_w_write_8_open,
-- General signals
bus_clk => bus_clk,
quiesce => quiesce
process (bus_clk)
if (bus_clk'event and bus_clk = '1') then
if (reset_8 = '1') then
counter <= 0;
wr_en <= user_w_write_8_wren;
full <= user_w_write_8_full;
if (user_w_write_8_wren='1') then
din <= user_w_write_8_data;
if counter=0 then
--From upper case to lower case
if (user_w_write_8_data="01000001") then --A
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01000010") then --B
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01000011") then --C
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01000100") then --D
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01000101") then --E
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01000110") then --F
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01000111") then --G
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01001000") then --H
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01001001") then --I
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01001010") then --J
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01001011") then --K
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01001100") then --L
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01001101") then --M
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01001110") then --N
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01001111") then --O
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01010000") then --P
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01010001") then --Q
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01010010") then --R
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01010011") then --S
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01010100") then --T
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01010101") then --U
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01010110") then --V
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01010111") then --W
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01011000") then --X
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01011001") then --Y
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01011010") then --Z
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
--From lower case to upper case
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01100001") then --a
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01100010") then --b
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01100011") then --c
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01100100") then --d
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01100101") then --e
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01100110") then --f
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01100111") then --g
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01101000") then --h
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01101001") then --i
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01101010") then --j
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01101011") then --k
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01101100") then --l
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01101101") then --m
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01101110") then --n
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01101111") then --o
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01110000") then --p
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01110001") then --q
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01110010") then --r
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01110011") then --s
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01110100") then --t
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01110101") then --u
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01110110") then --v
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01110111") then --w
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01111000") then --x
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01111001") then --y
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
elsif (user_w_write_8_data="01111010") then --z
din(5) <= not user_w_write_8_data(5);
end if;
end if;
if (counter=7) then
counter <= 0;
counter <= counter+1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
my_fifo : STD_FIFO
port map(
CLK => bus_clk,
RST => reset_8,
DataIn => din,
WriteEn => wr_en,
ReadEn => user_r_read_8_rden,
DataOut => user_r_read_8_data,
Full => full,
Empty => user_r_read_8_empty
reset_8 <= not (user_w_write_8_open or user_r_read_8_open);
user_r_read_8_eof <= user_r_read_8_empty and not(user_w_write_8_open);
end sample_arch;
Aquí el código FIFO
library IEEE;
entity STD_FIFO is
Generic (
constant DATA_WIDTH : positive := 8;
constant FIFO_DEPTH : positive := 3
Port (
WriteEn : in STD_LOGIC;
DataIn : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
ReadEn : in STD_LOGIC;
DataOut : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
Empty : out STD_LOGIC;
Full : out STD_LOGIC
architecture Behavioral of STD_FIFO is
-- Memory Pointer Process
fifo_proc : process (CLK)
type FIFO_Memory is array (0 to FIFO_DEPTH - 1) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (DATA_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
variable Memory : FIFO_Memory;
variable Head : natural range 0 to FIFO_DEPTH - 1;
variable Tail : natural range 0 to FIFO_DEPTH - 1;
variable Looped : boolean;
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if RST = '1' then
Head := 0;
Tail := 0;
Looped := false;
Full <= '0';
Empty <= '1';
if (ReadEn = '1') then
if ((Looped = true) or (Head /= Tail)) then
-- Update data output
DataOut <= Memory(Tail);
-- Update Tail pointer as needed
if (Tail = FIFO_DEPTH - 1) then
Tail := 0;
Looped := false;
Tail := Tail + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if (WriteEn = '1') then
if ((Looped = false) or (Head /= Tail)) then
-- Write Data to Memory
Memory(Head) := DataIn;
-- Increment Head pointer as needed
if (Head = FIFO_DEPTH - 1) then
Head := 0;
Looped := true;
Head := Head + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Update Empty and Full flags
if (Head = Tail) then
if Looped then
Full <= '1';
Empty <= '1';
end if;
Empty <= '0';
Full <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;