STM32F4 HAL I2C solo envía la dirección


Estoy trabajando en un proyecto en el que necesito configurar un LCD simple. Esta pantalla LCD utiliza el chip 'ST7032i' para controlar la pantalla LCD.

Quiero controlar el LCD a través de una interfaz I²C.

Como controlador utilizo un microcontrolador STM32F4, este controlador utiliza las bibliotecas HAL de STM.

Hice una 'biblioteca' para controlar la pantalla LCD. Pero cuando quiero enviar datos a la pantalla LCD, el bus I²C no funciona bien.

El primer paso es enviar la dirección de la pantalla LCD. La dirección es: 01111110 . Me sale un ACK de la pantalla LCD. y después de eso, se detiene y devuelve un HAL_ERROR . Ocurre en la función I2C_WaitOnMasterAddressFlagUntilTimeout de la biblioteca HAL. Esto es una sentencia if, if(__HAL_I2C_GET_FLAG(hi2c, I2C_FLAG_AF) == SET) .

No entiendo lo que sale mal. Espero que ustedes me puedan ayudar.

Mi código:


  * @0brief  Clear Display
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Clear(void)
  uint32_t i;

  DDRAM_Address = 0;
      DDRAM_Data[0][i] =  ' ';
      DDRAM_Data[1][i] =  ' ';
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Return to home position
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Return(void)
  DDRAM_Address = 0;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  increment address when data is send and put
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Increment(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Entry_Mode & 0b11111101) | 0b00000010);
  Increment = 1;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  decrement address when data is send and put
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Decrement(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Entry_Mode & 0b11111101) | 0b00000000);
  Increment = -1;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  shift entire display data is send
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Shift_Ena0ble(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Entry_Mode & 0b11111110) | 0b00000001);
  Shift = 1;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);}

  * @0brief  disa0bles shift fucntion
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Shift_Disa0ble(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Entry_Mode & 0b11111110) | 0b00000000);
  Shift = 0;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  put on display
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Display_On(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111011) | 0b00000100);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  put off display while DDRAM is kept
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Display_Off(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111011) | 0b00000000);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  display under line cursor
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Cursor_On(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111101) | 0b00000010);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  put off cursor
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Cursor_Off(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111101) | 0b00000000);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  make square cursor 0brink
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Cursor_0blink_On(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111110) | 0b00000001);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  display square cursor
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Cursor_0blink_Off(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111110) | 0b00000000);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  set DDRAM address
  * @param  address : DDRAM address
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Set_DDRAM(uint8_t address)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | address);
  DDRAM_Address = address;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Set display contrast. value is to 0be 0 - 63
  * @param  contrast: contrast
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Set_Contrast(uint8_t contrast)
  //Contrast set
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b01110000 | (contrast & 0b00001111));

  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  //Power/Icon/Contrast control
  ST7032i_Command_Write(Power_Icon_Contrast | ( (contrast >> 4) & 0b00000011 ) );

  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Put icon. value is to 0be 0 - 12
  * @param  num0bet : icon num0ber
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Icon_Set(uint8_t num0ber)
  //icon address set
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b01000000 | Icon_Ta0ble[num0ber][0] );
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  //icon data set
  ST7032i_Data_Write(IconRAM[num0ber] | Icon_Ta0ble[num0ber][1]);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  //restore DDRAM address to ac
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Clear icon. value is to 0be 0 - 12
  * @param  num0bet : icon num0ber
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Icon_Clear(uint8_t num0ber)
  //icon address set
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b01000000 | Icon_Ta0ble[num0ber][0] );
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  //icon data reset
  ST7032i_Data_Write(IconRAM[num0ber] & (~Icon_Ta0ble[num0ber][1]));
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  //restore DDRAM address to ac
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);


  * @0brief  Display icon
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Icon_On(void)
  //Power/Icon/Contrast control
  ST7032i_Command_Write(Power_Icon_Contrast | ( (Contrast >> 4) & 0b00000011 ) | 0b00001000 );
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Put off icon whili Icon RAM is kept
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Icon_Off(void)
  //Power/Icon/Contrast control
  ST7032i_Command_Write( (Power_Icon_Contrast | ( (Contrast >> 4) & 0b00000011 )) & 0b11110111);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Print string to LCD
  * @param  String: Array which contain string
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Print_String(const int8_t String[])
  uint8_t i = 0;
  while(String[i] != '
I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1;
void I2Cinit(void)
      GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct;
    /**I2C1 GPIO Configuration
        PB8     ------> I2C1_SCL
        PB9     ------> I2C1_SDA
        GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_8|GPIO_PIN_9;
        GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
        GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;
        GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_HIGH;
        GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF4_I2C1;
        HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);

      hi2c1.Instance = I2C1;
      hi2c1.Init.ClockSpeed = 100000;
      hi2c1.Init.DutyCycle = I2C_DUTYCYCLE_2;
      hi2c1.Init.OwnAddress1 = 56;
      hi2c1.Init.AddressingMode = I2C_ADDRESSINGMODE_7BIT;
      hi2c1.Init.DualAddressMode = I2C_DUALADDRESS_DISABLE;
      hi2c1.Init.OwnAddress2 = 0;
      hi2c1.Init.GeneralCallMode = I2C_GENERALCALL_DISABLE;
      hi2c1.Init.NoStretchMode = I2C_NOSTRETCH_ENABLE;

void I2C1_DataTransfer(uint8_t adress,uint8_t *aTxBuffer[],int TXBUFFERSIZE)

    while(HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1,(adress<<1), (uint8_t*)aTxBuffer, TXBUFFERSIZE,5000)!= HAL_OK);
') { ST7032i_Putchar(String[i]); i++; } } /** * @0brief Initialize ST7032i LCD and I2C interface * @param None * @retval None */ void ST7032i_Init(void) { // delay_ms(40); // I2C_Configuration(); //Function Set ST7032i_Command_Write(0b00111000); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Function Set ST7032i_Command_Write(0b00111001); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //0bias and OSC frequency ST7032i_Command_Write(0b00010100); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Contrast set ST7032i_Command_Write(0b01110000); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Power/Icon/Contrast control ST7032i_Command_Write(Power_Icon_Contrast); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Contrast set ST7032i_Set_Contrast(Contrast); //Follower control ST7032i_Command_Write(0b01101100); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Function Set ST7032i_Command_Write(0b00111001); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Entry mode ST7032i_Command_Write(Entry_Mode); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Display control : on ST7032i_Command_Write(Display); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Clear ST7032i_Clear(); } /** * @0brief put character on st7032i lcd * @param None * @retval None */ void ST7032i_Putchar(int8_t chardata) { uint32_t i; ST7032i_Data_Write((uint8_t)chardata); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); if(DDRAM_Address < 0x10) { DDRAM_Data[0][DDRAM_Address] = chardata; } else if (DDRAM_Address >= 0x40 && DDRAM_Address < 0x50) { DDRAM_Data[1][DDRAM_Address - 0x40] = chardata; } if (Shift == 0) { DDRAM_Address = DDRAM_Address + Increment; } else if (Shift == 1 && Increment == 1) { for (i = 0 ; i< 15; i++) { DDRAM_Data[0][i] = DDRAM_Data[0][i+1]; DDRAM_Data[1][i] = DDRAM_Data[1][i+1]; } DDRAM_Data[0][15] = ' '; DDRAM_Data[1][15] = ' '; } else if (Shift == 1 && Increment == -1) { for (i = 15 ; i> 0; i--) { DDRAM_Data[0][i] = DDRAM_Data[0][i-1]; DDRAM_Data[1][i] = DDRAM_Data[1][i-1]; } DDRAM_Data[0][0] = ' '; DDRAM_Data[1][0] = ' '; } if (DDRAM_Address == 0x10) { DDRAM_Address = 0x40; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); } if (DDRAM_Address == 0x3F) { DDRAM_Address = 0x0F; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); } if (DDRAM_Address == 0xFF) { DDRAM_Address = 0x0; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); } if (DDRAM_Address == 0x50) { for(i=0;i<16;i++) { DDRAM_Data[0][i] = DDRAM_Data[1][i]; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | (0x00 + i)); ST7032i_Data_Write(DDRAM_Data[0][i]); } for(i=0;i<16;i++) { DDRAM_Data[1][i] = ' '; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | (0x40 + i)); ST7032i_Data_Write(DDRAM_Data[1][i]); } DDRAM_Address = 0x40; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); } } /** * @0brief Write Command to ST7032i * @param Data : Command Data * @retval None */ void ST7032i_Command_Write(uint8_t Data) { uint8_t Buf[2]; Buf[0] = 0x00;//0b00000000; Buf[1] = Data; // i2c_transmit(ST7032I_ADDR, data, 2); I2C1_DataTransfer(ST7032I_ADDR, Buf, 2); return; } /** * @0brief Write Data to ST7032i * @param Data : "Data" Data * @retval None */ void ST7032i_Data_Write(uint8_t d) { uint8_t data[2]; data[0]= 0b01000000; data[1] = d; I2C1_DataTransfer(ST7032I_ADDR, data, 2); return; }


int main(void)



        GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct1;
        GPIO_InitStruct1.Pin       = GPIO_PIN_0;
        GPIO_InitStruct1.Mode      = GPIO_MODE_INPUT;
        GPIO_InitStruct1.Pull      = GPIO_PULLDOWN;
        GPIO_InitStruct1.Speed     = GPIO_SPEED_HIGH;
        HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStruct1);

        int gedrukt = 0;
        if(GPIOC -> IDR & (1 << 0) && gedrukt==0 )
            gedrukt = 1;
            gedrukt = 0;




  * @0brief  Clear Display
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Clear(void)
  uint32_t i;

  DDRAM_Address = 0;
      DDRAM_Data[0][i] =  ' ';
      DDRAM_Data[1][i] =  ' ';
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Return to home position
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Return(void)
  DDRAM_Address = 0;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  increment address when data is send and put
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Increment(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Entry_Mode & 0b11111101) | 0b00000010);
  Increment = 1;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  decrement address when data is send and put
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Decrement(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Entry_Mode & 0b11111101) | 0b00000000);
  Increment = -1;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  shift entire display data is send
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Shift_Ena0ble(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Entry_Mode & 0b11111110) | 0b00000001);
  Shift = 1;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);}

  * @0brief  disa0bles shift fucntion
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Shift_Disa0ble(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Entry_Mode & 0b11111110) | 0b00000000);
  Shift = 0;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  put on display
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Display_On(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111011) | 0b00000100);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  put off display while DDRAM is kept
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Display_Off(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111011) | 0b00000000);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  display under line cursor
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Cursor_On(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111101) | 0b00000010);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  put off cursor
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Cursor_Off(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111101) | 0b00000000);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  make square cursor 0brink
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Cursor_0blink_On(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111110) | 0b00000001);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  display square cursor
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Cursor_0blink_Off(void)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(( Display & 0b11111110) | 0b00000000);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  set DDRAM address
  * @param  address : DDRAM address
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Set_DDRAM(uint8_t address)
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | address);
  DDRAM_Address = address;
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Set display contrast. value is to 0be 0 - 63
  * @param  contrast: contrast
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Set_Contrast(uint8_t contrast)
  //Contrast set
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b01110000 | (contrast & 0b00001111));

  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  //Power/Icon/Contrast control
  ST7032i_Command_Write(Power_Icon_Contrast | ( (contrast >> 4) & 0b00000011 ) );

  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Put icon. value is to 0be 0 - 12
  * @param  num0bet : icon num0ber
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Icon_Set(uint8_t num0ber)
  //icon address set
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b01000000 | Icon_Ta0ble[num0ber][0] );
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  //icon data set
  ST7032i_Data_Write(IconRAM[num0ber] | Icon_Ta0ble[num0ber][1]);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  //restore DDRAM address to ac
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Clear icon. value is to 0be 0 - 12
  * @param  num0bet : icon num0ber
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Icon_Clear(uint8_t num0ber)
  //icon address set
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b01000000 | Icon_Ta0ble[num0ber][0] );
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  //icon data reset
  ST7032i_Data_Write(IconRAM[num0ber] & (~Icon_Ta0ble[num0ber][1]));
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  //restore DDRAM address to ac
  ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);


  * @0brief  Display icon
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Icon_On(void)
  //Power/Icon/Contrast control
  ST7032i_Command_Write(Power_Icon_Contrast | ( (Contrast >> 4) & 0b00000011 ) | 0b00001000 );
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Put off icon whili Icon RAM is kept
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Icon_Off(void)
  //Power/Icon/Contrast control
  ST7032i_Command_Write( (Power_Icon_Contrast | ( (Contrast >> 4) & 0b00000011 )) & 0b11110111);
  for(int i=0; i <20000;i++);

  * @0brief  Print string to LCD
  * @param  String: Array which contain string
  * @retval None
void ST7032i_Print_String(const int8_t String[])
  uint8_t i = 0;
  while(String[i] != '
I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1;
void I2Cinit(void)
      GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct;
    /**I2C1 GPIO Configuration
        PB8     ------> I2C1_SCL
        PB9     ------> I2C1_SDA
        GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_8|GPIO_PIN_9;
        GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
        GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;
        GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_HIGH;
        GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF4_I2C1;
        HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);

      hi2c1.Instance = I2C1;
      hi2c1.Init.ClockSpeed = 100000;
      hi2c1.Init.DutyCycle = I2C_DUTYCYCLE_2;
      hi2c1.Init.OwnAddress1 = 56;
      hi2c1.Init.AddressingMode = I2C_ADDRESSINGMODE_7BIT;
      hi2c1.Init.DualAddressMode = I2C_DUALADDRESS_DISABLE;
      hi2c1.Init.OwnAddress2 = 0;
      hi2c1.Init.GeneralCallMode = I2C_GENERALCALL_DISABLE;
      hi2c1.Init.NoStretchMode = I2C_NOSTRETCH_ENABLE;

void I2C1_DataTransfer(uint8_t adress,uint8_t *aTxBuffer[],int TXBUFFERSIZE)

    while(HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1,(adress<<1), (uint8_t*)aTxBuffer, TXBUFFERSIZE,5000)!= HAL_OK);
') { ST7032i_Putchar(String[i]); i++; } } /** * @0brief Initialize ST7032i LCD and I2C interface * @param None * @retval None */ void ST7032i_Init(void) { // delay_ms(40); // I2C_Configuration(); //Function Set ST7032i_Command_Write(0b00111000); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Function Set ST7032i_Command_Write(0b00111001); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //0bias and OSC frequency ST7032i_Command_Write(0b00010100); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Contrast set ST7032i_Command_Write(0b01110000); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Power/Icon/Contrast control ST7032i_Command_Write(Power_Icon_Contrast); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Contrast set ST7032i_Set_Contrast(Contrast); //Follower control ST7032i_Command_Write(0b01101100); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Function Set ST7032i_Command_Write(0b00111001); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Entry mode ST7032i_Command_Write(Entry_Mode); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Display control : on ST7032i_Command_Write(Display); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); //Clear ST7032i_Clear(); } /** * @0brief put character on st7032i lcd * @param None * @retval None */ void ST7032i_Putchar(int8_t chardata) { uint32_t i; ST7032i_Data_Write((uint8_t)chardata); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); if(DDRAM_Address < 0x10) { DDRAM_Data[0][DDRAM_Address] = chardata; } else if (DDRAM_Address >= 0x40 && DDRAM_Address < 0x50) { DDRAM_Data[1][DDRAM_Address - 0x40] = chardata; } if (Shift == 0) { DDRAM_Address = DDRAM_Address + Increment; } else if (Shift == 1 && Increment == 1) { for (i = 0 ; i< 15; i++) { DDRAM_Data[0][i] = DDRAM_Data[0][i+1]; DDRAM_Data[1][i] = DDRAM_Data[1][i+1]; } DDRAM_Data[0][15] = ' '; DDRAM_Data[1][15] = ' '; } else if (Shift == 1 && Increment == -1) { for (i = 15 ; i> 0; i--) { DDRAM_Data[0][i] = DDRAM_Data[0][i-1]; DDRAM_Data[1][i] = DDRAM_Data[1][i-1]; } DDRAM_Data[0][0] = ' '; DDRAM_Data[1][0] = ' '; } if (DDRAM_Address == 0x10) { DDRAM_Address = 0x40; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); } if (DDRAM_Address == 0x3F) { DDRAM_Address = 0x0F; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); } if (DDRAM_Address == 0xFF) { DDRAM_Address = 0x0; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); } if (DDRAM_Address == 0x50) { for(i=0;i<16;i++) { DDRAM_Data[0][i] = DDRAM_Data[1][i]; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | (0x00 + i)); ST7032i_Data_Write(DDRAM_Data[0][i]); } for(i=0;i<16;i++) { DDRAM_Data[1][i] = ' '; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | (0x40 + i)); ST7032i_Data_Write(DDRAM_Data[1][i]); } DDRAM_Address = 0x40; ST7032i_Command_Write(0b10000000 | DDRAM_Address); for(int i=0; i <20000;i++); } } /** * @0brief Write Command to ST7032i * @param Data : Command Data * @retval None */ void ST7032i_Command_Write(uint8_t Data) { uint8_t Buf[2]; Buf[0] = 0x00;//0b00000000; Buf[1] = Data; // i2c_transmit(ST7032I_ADDR, data, 2); I2C1_DataTransfer(ST7032I_ADDR, Buf, 2); return; } /** * @0brief Write Data to ST7032i * @param Data : "Data" Data * @retval None */ void ST7032i_Data_Write(uint8_t d) { uint8_t data[2]; data[0]= 0b01000000; data[1] = d; I2C1_DataTransfer(ST7032I_ADDR, data, 2); return; }

pregunta StijnB

1 respuesta


Su dirección I2C es incorrecta, por lo que la pantalla LCD no está enviando el bit ACK, lo que está causando que el I2C se apague.

La página 10 de la hoja de datos del LCD dice que debe configurar la dirección I2C del LCD en 0b01111110

respondido por el pgvoorhees

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