Error: no se puede resolver varios controladores constantes (VHDL)


tratando de resolver este error, pero ninguno de ellos funciona. Dice Error (10028): No se pueden resolver varios controladores constantes para la red "current_state.S4" en wood_detector.vhd (23)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity wood_detector is
port(clk,rst: in std_logic; 
AB: in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0) ;
z: out std_logic);
end wood_detector;

architecture fsm of wood_detector is
type t_state is (S0, S1, S2, S3, S4);
signal current_state, next_state: t_state;

    if(rst = '1') then current_state<= S0;
    elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then current_state <= next_state;
end if;
end process;

case(current_state) is
when S0 => if(AB="10") then next_state<=S1;
                else next_state<=S0;
                end if;
when S1 => if(AB="00") then next_state <= S2;
                    elsif(AB="11") then next_state <= S3;
                else current_state <= S1;
                end if;
when S2 => if(AB="01") then next_state <= S4;
                else next_state <= S2;
                end if;
when S3 => if(AB="01") then next_state <= S4;
                else next_state <= S3;
                end if;

when others=>NULL;
end case;
end process;

z <= '1' when (current_state <= S2 and AB="00") else '0';

end fsm;
pregunta Yap YiXien

1 respuesta


Usted está manejando el estado "actual" en dos procesos. Debes conducir solo desde un proceso. (O debe hacer una función de resolución que probablemente no quiera hacer)

respondido por el Oldfart

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