Pad 'Tipo eléctrico' en Altium


Cuando creamos una huella en Altium, podemos establecer el 'Tipo eléctrico' del pad y tener tres opciones: Carga, Terminador y fuente. Pero, ¿cuál es su significado y cuándo entrarán en vigor?

pregunta diverger

1 respuesta


Cuando especifica la topología de enrutamiento de una red, los tipos eléctricos se pueden usar para decidir dónde van las conexiones. Estas son las opciones para las reglas de diseño de topología (la más corta es la predeterminada):

Topology– defines the topology to be used for the net(s) targeted by the scope (full query) of the rule. The following topologies can be applied:

    Shortest – this topology connects all nodes in the net to give the shortest overall connection length.

    Horizontal – this topology connects all the nodes together, preferring horizontal shortness to vertical shortness by a factor of 5:1. Use this method to force routing in the horizontal direction.

    Vertical – this topology connects all the nodes together, preferring vertical shortness to horizontal shortness by a factor of 5:1. Use this method to force routing in the vertical direction.

    Daisy-Simple – this topology chains all the nodes together, one after the other. The order they are chained is calculated to give the shortest overall length. If a source and terminator pad are specified, then all other pads are chained between them to give the shortest possible length. Edit a pad to set it to be a source or terminator. If multiple sources (or terminators) are specified, they are chained together at each end.

    Daisy-MidDriven – this topology places the source node(s) in the center of the daisy chain, divides the loads equally and chains them off either side of the source(s). Two terminators are required, one for each end. Multiple source nodes are chained together in the center. If there are not exactly two terminators the Daisy-Simple topology is used.

    Daisy-Balanced – this topology divides all the loads into equal chains, the total number of chains equal to the number of terminators. These chains then connect to the source in a star pattern. Multiple source nodes are chained together.

    Starburst – this topology connects each node directly to the source node. If terminators are present, they are connected after each load node. Multiple source nodes are chained together, as in the Daisy-Balanced topology.

En general, esto es importante para los diseños de alta velocidad (donde los reflejos son importantes). Y, en su mayoría, encontrará los pines en las bibliotecas que se encuentran en el valor predeterminado de "cargar".

respondido por el Spehro Pefhany

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