Estoy escribiendo un código microbásico para atmega 32, el programa funciona en la simulación de Proteus, pero cuando quiero programarlo, el programador recibió este error:
problema de superposición de la dirección hexadecimal del archivo
Así que los códigos son:
program MyProject
' Lcd module connections
dim LCD_RS as sbit at PORTb0_bit
dim LCD_EN as sbit at PORTb2_bit
dim LCD_D4 as sbit at PORTb4_bit
dim LCD_D5 as sbit at PORTb5_bit
dim LCD_D6 as sbit at PORTb6_bit
dim LCD_D7 as sbit at PORTb7_bit
dim LCD_RS_Direction as sbit at DDb0_bit
dim LCD_EN_Direction as sbit at DDb2_bit
dim LCD_D4_Direction as sbit at DDb4_bit
dim LCD_D5_Direction as sbit at DDb5_bit
dim LCD_D6_Direction as sbit at DDb6_bit
dim LCD_D7_Direction as sbit at DDb7_bit
dim on_a_0 as integer
dim hours, minutes, seconds, day, week, month, year as byte
' Declarations section
dim txt,txt_inin as string[6]
dim kp,ok,k_set,chanel,Pwm_Percent,Pwm_chanel ,on_off as integer
sub procedure Lcd_0()
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR) ' Clear display
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF) ' Cursor off
end sub
' Main program
for chanel =1 to 1
' for week =1to 7
for Pwm_chanel=1 to 1
on_a_0 =0
on_a_0 =0
on_a_0 =0
on_a_0 =0
next pwm_chanel
' next week
next chanel
while True
for chanel =1 to 2
' for week =1to 7
for Pwm_chanel=1 to 2
if (on_a_0 >= hours ) and (on_a_0 ) then
if (on_a_0 >= minutes) and (on_a_0)then
Lcd_Out(1,1,"on pwm mode")
inttostr(chanel,txt) ' ??? ????? ???? ? ?????? ????? ? ????
LCD_Out(1,13, txt)
inttostr(on_off,txt) ' ??? ????? ???? ? ?????? ????? ? ????
LCD_Out(2,1, txt)
inttostr(pwm_chanel,txt) ' ??? ????? ???? ? ?????? ????? ? ????
LCD_Out(2,4, txt)
end if
inttostr(on_a_0 ,txt) ' ??? ????? ???? ? ?????? ????? ? ????
LCD_Out(1,11, txt)
LCD_Out(2,11, txt)
end if
' Delay_mS(1000)
next pwm_chanel
' next week
next chanel
y los archivos (códigos y Proteus) son accesibles por este enlace:
Muchas gracias por su atención.