La dirección hexadecimal del archivo Avr se superpuso problema


Estoy escribiendo un código microbásico para atmega 32, el programa funciona en la simulación de Proteus, pero cuando quiero programarlo, el programador recibió este error:

problema de superposición de la dirección hexadecimal del archivo

Así que los códigos son:

    program MyProject
' Lcd module connections
dim LCD_RS as sbit at PORTb0_bit
dim LCD_EN as sbit at PORTb2_bit
dim LCD_D4 as sbit at PORTb4_bit
dim LCD_D5 as sbit at PORTb5_bit
dim LCD_D6 as sbit at PORTb6_bit
dim LCD_D7 as sbit at PORTb7_bit

dim LCD_RS_Direction as sbit at DDb0_bit
dim LCD_EN_Direction as sbit at DDb2_bit
dim LCD_D4_Direction as sbit at DDb4_bit
dim LCD_D5_Direction as sbit at DDb5_bit
dim LCD_D6_Direction as sbit at DDb6_bit
dim LCD_D7_Direction as sbit at DDb7_bit

dim on_a_0 as integer
 dim hours, minutes, seconds, day, week, month, year as byte
' Declarations section 

dim txt,txt_inin as string[6]
dim kp,ok,k_set,chanel,Pwm_Percent,Pwm_chanel ,on_off as  integer

sub procedure Lcd_0()
              Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR)               ' Clear display
              Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF)          ' Cursor off

end sub
'   Main program 
for chanel =1 to 1
'     for week =1to 7
     for Pwm_chanel=1 to 1
     on_a_0  =0
     on_a_0 =0
     on_a_0  =0
     on_a_0 =0
      next pwm_chanel
'      next week
      next chanel

 while True

 for chanel =1 to 2
'     for week =1to 7
     for Pwm_chanel=1 to 2
     if  (on_a_0 >= hours ) and (on_a_0 ) then
         if    (on_a_0 >= minutes)  and (on_a_0)then
           Lcd_Out(1,1,"on pwm mode")
           inttostr(chanel,txt)                     ' ??? ????? ???? ? ?????? ????? ? ????
           LCD_Out(1,13, txt)
           inttostr(on_off,txt)                     ' ??? ????? ???? ? ?????? ????? ? ????
           LCD_Out(2,1, txt)
           inttostr(pwm_chanel,txt)                     ' ??? ????? ???? ? ?????? ????? ? ????
           LCD_Out(2,4, txt)
         end if
        inttostr(on_a_0 ,txt)                     ' ??? ????? ???? ? ?????? ????? ? ????
           LCD_Out(1,11, txt)
            LCD_Out(2,11, txt)
      end if
'      Delay_mS(1000)
      next pwm_chanel
'      next week
      next chanel


y los archivos (códigos y Proteus) son accesibles por este enlace:


Muchas gracias por su atención.

pregunta Soheil Paper

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