HardFault_Handler en STM32F407ZET6


Actualmente estoy enfrentando algunos problemas con STM32F4, el proceso se "cuelga" y no puedo entender en qué punto está "bloqueado". Cuando esto sucedió, recopilé los siguientes valores para las siguientes variables (creé la variable stepError para "traducir" la variable CFSR):

void prvGetRegistersFromStack (uint32_t * pulFaultStackAddress)
volatile uint32_t CFSRValue = SCB-> CFSR;
volatile uint32_t HFSRValue = SCB-> HFSR;
char stepError [1024] = "";
if ((HFSRValue & (1 << 30)) = 0) {
CFSRValue >> = 16;
if ((CFSRValue & (1 << 9)) = 0) strcpy (stepError, "Divide by zero");
if ((CFSRValue & (1 << 8))! = 0) strcpy (stepError, "Unaligned access");
if ((CFSRValue & (1 << 3)) = 0) strcpy (stepError, "No UsageFault coprocessor");
if ((CFSRValue & (1 << 2)) = 0) strcpy (stepError, "Invalid PC load UsageFault");
if ((CFSRValue & (1 << 1))! = 0) strcpy (stepError, "Invalid state");
if ((CFSRValue & (1 << 0))! = 0) strcpy (stepError, "Undefined instruction");

/ * These are volatile to try and prevent the compiler / linker optimizing them
away the variables never actually get used. If the debugger will not show the
values of the variables, make them global my moving their declaration outside
of this function. * /
volatile uint32_t r0;
volatile uint32_t r1;
volatile uint32_t r2;
volatile uint32_t r3;
volatile uint32_t r12;
volatile uint32_t lr; / * Link register. * /
volatile uint32_t pc; / * Program counter. * /
volatile uint32_t psr; / * Program status register. * /

r0 = pulFaultStackAddress [0];
r1 = pulFaultStackAddress [1];
r2 = pulFaultStackAddress [2];
r3 = pulFaultStackAddress [3];

r12 = pulFaultStackAddress [4];
lr = pulFaultStackAddress [5]; // Bit (2 or 3) = 0 determines MSP (Main Stack Pointer); 1 = PSP (Process Stack Pointer)
pc = pulFaultStackAddress [6]; // Variable that contains the address where the error occurred. To check where it was, search the Disassembly on the screen Debug the address
psr = pulFaultStackAddress [7];

/ * When the following line is hit, the variables contain the register values. * /

// Joseph Yiu:
/ *
1) Look at LR value when the core enter hardfault, if bit 2 is 0, then read the value of MSP. Otherwise, read the value of PSP.
2) Based on the MSP / PSP value, you should be able to locate the start of stack frame, stacked PC is in address SP + 24.
3) Generate a disassembled listing of the program you run, and try to locate the stack PC address in the disassembled program list.
* /

GPIO_WriteLed (0,1);
for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i ++)
PWM_Change_DutyCycle (i, 0);
for (;;);

HFSRValue 1073741824 CFSRValue 0 StepError 0x2001fbb0 ""


r0 0 r1 0 r2 0 r3 11


r12 536890019 lr 134334773 pc 0x0801bab0 psr 3221225472

Pero no puedo saber de estos valores dónde ocurrió el error, si fue causado por usb, serial, codificador o convertidor ADC, etc. ¿Cómo implementar void HardFault_Handler (void) para que pueda reconocer dónde se produce el error?

pregunta Eduardo Cardoso

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