Arduino Module bluetooth


Tengo el módulo nRF52810, en el que quiero cargar un hex de muestra desde internet. Quería usar el programa OpenOCD para eso, pero tengo un problema

cuando uso ese comando

openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/nrf52.cfg -c "reset_config none; program s112_nrf52_6.1.0_softdevice.hex verify reset exit"

Tengo esta salida

K:\hex_folder\s112_nrf52_6.1.0>openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/nrf52.cfg -c "reset_config none; program s112_nrf52_6.1.0_softdevice.hex verify reset ex
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0 (2018-07-28) []
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : auto-selecting first available session transport "hla_swd". To override use 'transport select <transport>'.
Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
adapter speed: 950 kHz
none separate
Info : clock speed 950 kHz
Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v17 API v2 SWIM v4 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748
Info : using stlink api v2
Info : Target voltage: 3.243886
Info : nrf52.cpu: hardware has 0 breakpoints, 2 watchpoints
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
Error: timed out while waiting for target halted
TARGET: nrf52.cpu - Not halted
in procedure 'program'
in procedure 'reset' called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 491
in procedure 'ocd_bouncer'

** Unable to reset target **
shutdown command invoked

Warn : Flash driver of nrf52.flash does not support free_driver_priv()
Warn : Flash driver of nrf52.uicr does not support free_driver_priv()

y no entiendo por qué ... ¿Podría contar su idea, cuál es la razón de "Detenido"?

parte final del comando de salida en modo de depuración

Debug: 322 2303 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event examine-start
Debug: 323 2312 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event examine-start
Debug: 324 2321 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu arp_examine allow-defer
Debug: 325 2329 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu arp_examine allow-defer
Debug: 326 2337 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event examine-end
Debug: 327 2344 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event examine-end
Debug: 328 2353 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event reset-assert-pre
Debug: 329 2363 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event reset-assert-pre
Debug: 330 2364 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_transport select
Debug: 331 2374 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_transport ocd_transport select
Debug: 332 2384 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu arp_reset assert 1
Debug: 333 2394 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu arp_reset assert 1
Debug: 334 2394 target.c:1983 target_free_all_working_areas_restore(): freeing all working areas
Debug: 335 2404 hla_target.c:503 adapter_assert_reset(): adapter_assert_reset
Debug: 336 2404 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event reset-assert-post
Debug: 337 2414 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event reset-assert-post
Debug: 338 2424 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event reset-deassert-pre
Debug: 339 2434 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event reset-deassert-pre
Debug: 340 2434 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_transport select
Debug: 341 2445 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_transport ocd_transport select
Debug: 342 2445 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu arp_reset deassert 1
Debug: 343 2455 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu arp_reset deassert 1
Debug: 344 2465 target.c:1983 target_free_all_working_areas_restore(): freeing all working areas
Debug: 345 2465 hla_target.c:566 adapter_deassert_reset(): adapter_deassert_reset
Debug: 346 2475 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event reset-deassert-post
Debug: 347 2476 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu invoke-event reset-deassert-post
Debug: 348 2486 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_transport select
Debug: 349 2496 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_transport ocd_transport select
Debug: 350 2507 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu was_examined
Debug: 351 2517 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu was_examined
Debug: 352 2517 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu arp_waitstate halted 1000
Debug: 353 2527 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu arp_waitstate halted 1000
Debug: 354 2538 target.c:2968 target_wait_state(): waiting for target halted...
Debug: 355 3039 log.c:439 keep_alive(): keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000ms timelimit (1299). This may cause trouble with GDB connections.
Error: 358 3540 target.c:2976 target_wait_state(): timed out while waiting for target halted
Debug: 359 3540 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_nrf52.cpu curstate
Debug: 360 3550 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_nrf52.cpu ocd_nrf52.cpu curstate
User : 361 3560 command.c:544 command_print(): TARGET: nrf52.cpu - Not halted
in procedure 'program'
in procedure 'reset' called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 491
in procedure 'ocd_bouncer'

Debug: 362 3570 command.c:642 run_command(): Command failed with error code -4
Debug: 363 3580 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_echo ** Unable to reset target **
Debug: 364 3590 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - echo ocd_echo ** Unable to reset target **
User : 366 3590 command.c:780 jim_echo(): ** Unable to reset target **
Debug: 367 3600 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - ocd_command ocd_command type ocd_shutdown error
Debug: 368 3610 command.c:143 script_debug(): command - shutdown ocd_shutdown error
User : 370 3610 server.c:703 handle_shutdown_command(): shutdown command invoked
Debug: 371 3620 command.c:642 run_command(): Command failed with error code -4
User : 372 3620 command.c:705 command_run_line():
Debug: 373 3630 target.c:1983 target_free_all_working_areas_restore(): freeing all working areas
Warn : 374 3630 core.c:189 flash_free_all_banks(): Flash driver of nrf52.flash does not support free_driver_priv()
Warn : 375 3640 core.c:189 flash_free_all_banks(): Flash driver of nrf52.uicr does not support free_driver_priv()
Debug: 376 3650 hla_interface.c:117 hl_interface_quit(): hl_interface_quit

¿Puedes darme alguna idea de lo que está mal?

pregunta Hamilcar Barca

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