Tengo un prototipo de un multivibrador monoestable simple como este:
-- Libraries -------------------------------------------------------------------
--! Main library
library ieee;
--! std logic components
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-- Entity ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--! Monostable multivibrator input and output signals:
--! \image html images/multivib_mono.png
entity entity_multivibmono is
--! The \p q and \p nq pulse length is this value x \p clk frequency
pulse_len : natural
--! Clock signal. Events occur on rising edge.
clk : in std_logic;
--! Non-inverting trigger input
a : in std_logic;
--! Inverting trigger input
na : in std_logic;
--! Active low logic reset input. When asserted, \p q = lo, \p nq = hi
ncd : in std_logic;
--! Non-inverting pulse output. the pulse level is hi
q : out std_logic;
--! Inverting pulse output. The pulse level is lo
nq : out std_logic
end entity_multivibmono;
-- Architecture ----------------------------------------------------------------
--! Monostable multivibrator implementation
architecture arch_multivibmono of entity_multivibmono is
--! Enumeration tame for the finite state machine
type state_t is (st_idle, st_pulse);
--! A \p state_t instance
signal st_current : state_t;
--! Buffer signal for q output
signal q_tmp : std_logic;
--! Multivibrator behavioral process
process_multivibmono : process(clk, ncd, a, na)
--! Counter variable
variable cnt : natural range 0 to pulse_len := 0;
if (ncd = '0') then
q_tmp <= '0';
cnt := 0;
st_current <= st_idle;
elsif (falling_edge(na) or rising_edge(a)) then
if ((a = '0') and (na = '1')) then
q_tmp <= '1'; -- beginning of the pulse
st_current <= st_pulse;
cnt := 0;
end if;
elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
case st_current is
when st_pulse =>
if (cnt < pulse_len) then
cnt := cnt + 1;
q_tmp <= '0'; -- end of the pulse
cnt := 0;
st_current <= st_idle;
end if;
when others => -- unexpected case
q_tmp <= '0';
cnt := 0;
st_current <= st_idle;
end case;
end if;
end process;
q <= q_tmp;
nq <= not q_tmp;
end arch_multivibmono;
Tenga en cuenta cómo este código parte:
q_tmp <= '0';
cnt := 0;
st_current <= st_idle;
Ocurre 3 veces en el código. ¿Hay alguna forma en VHDL de encapsular esto de alguna manera fácilmente? Agradecería toda la ayuda.