Tengo un 25AA160 conectado a un PIC24FJ64GB110 (100-pin):
SO - RD3 (pin78) SI - RD2 (pin77) SCK - RD1 (pin76)
SS no se utiliza. CS \ está conectado a GND y WP \, HOLD \ está conectado a VDD.
Copio / pego el código de Microchip y modifiqué algunas líneas para lograr la configuración de mi hardware.
Este es el código (lo siento un poco largo):
#define EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE (unsigned)64
#define EEPROM_PAGE_MASK (unsigned)0x003f
#define EEPROM_CMD_READ (unsigned)0b00000011
#define EEPROM_CMD_WRITE (unsigned)0b00000010
#define EEPROM_CMD_WRDI (unsigned)0b00000100
#define EEPROM_CMD_WREN (unsigned)0b00000110
#define EEPROM_CMD_RDSR (unsigned)0b00000101
#define EEPROM_CMD_WRSR (unsigned)0b00000001
struct STATREG{
unsigned WIP:1;
unsigned WEL:1;
unsigned BP0:1;
unsigned BP1:1;
unsigned RESERVED:3;
unsigned WPEN:1;
union _EEPROMStatus_{
struct STATREG Bits;
unsigned char Char;
#define Hi(X) (unsigned char)((X>>8)&0x00ff)
#define Lo(X) (unsigned char)(X&0x00ff)
void SPI2INTInit()
IFS2bits.SPI2IF = 0; // clear interrupt flag
IEC2bits.SPI2IE = 0; // enable interrupt
SPI2CON1 = SPI_MASTER; // select mode SPI_MASTER = 0x0120
SPI2STAT = SPI_ENABLE; // enable the peripheral SPI_ENABLE = 0x8000
void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _SPI2Interrupt()
IFS2bits.SPI2IF = 0;
void EEPROMWriteEnable()
unsigned char Local_8;
Local_8 = writeSPI2(EEPROM_CMD_WREN);
void EEPROMWriteDisable()
unsigned char Local_8;
Local_8 = writeSPI2(EEPROM_CMD_WRDI);
void EEPROMWriteByte(unsigned char Data, unsigned int Address)
unsigned char Local_8;
Local_8 = writeSPI2(EEPROM_CMD_WRITE);
Local_8 = writeSPI2(Hi(Address));
Local_8 = writeSPI2(Lo(Address));
Local_8 = writeSPI2(Data);
// wait for completion of previous write operation
unsigned char EEPROMReadByte(unsigned int Address)
unsigned char Local_8;
Local_8 = writeSPI2(EEPROM_CMD_READ);
Local_8 = writeSPI2(Hi(Address));
Local_8 = writeSPI2(Lo(Address));
Local_8 = writeSPI2(0);
return Local_8;
union _EEPROMStatus_ EEPROMReadStatus()
unsigned char Local_8;
Local_8 = writeSPI2(EEPROM_CMD_RDSR);
Local_8 = writeSPI2(0);
return (union _EEPROMStatus_)Local_8;
void main()
WORD rxData;
WORD txData = 0x5AAC;
// Write MS byte into EEPROM address.
EEPROMWriteByte(Hi(txData), 0x10);
// Write LS byte into EEPROM address.
EEPROMWriteByte(Lo(txData), 0x11);
// Now Readback one data from the serial eeprom.
// Read MS byte from EEPROM address.
rxData = EEPROMReadByte(0x10);
rxData = (rxData<<8) & 0xff00;
// Read LS byte from EEPROM address.
rxData |= (EEPROMReadByte(0x11) & 0x00ff);
// verify write and read SPI EEPROM (single byte)
if( rxData != txData )
DebugMsg("EEPROM error");
Siempre recibí un "error EEPROM" y no pude ver ningún pulso en SO, SI y SCK en el osciloscopio.
Creo que en algún lugar de mi código tengo que decirle a SPI2 que use estas tres líneas de E / S como SO, SI y SCK:
pero, ¿cómo? Estoy en lo correcto?
Muchas gracias