El proyecto de ejemplo debe contener el código correcto.
Esta página indica que se abrirá el proyecto jc2_abl_tutorial_project.htm"> Esta página indica que se abrirá el proyecto ja2_abl_tutorial_project.htm"> Esto se encuentra navegando a su directorio de ejemplos de ISE en su instalación de ISE (lo que sugieren que haga, se encuentra en <Install Dir>/14.5/ISE_DS/ISE/ISEexamples
) o por File -> Open Example
Mi instalación particular de ISE no tenía jc2_abl como ejemplo, pero sí jc2_vhd, que contiene el código vhd para el ejemplo, copiado aquí:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- defines std_logic types
entity jc2_top is
port (
left : in std_logic; -- Active-low switch #3 (left)
right : in std_logic; -- Active-low switch #0 (right)
STOP : in std_logic; -- Active-low switch #2
CLK : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) -- Active-low LEDs
--To pass pin location constraints from this HDL source file rather than
--through a User Constraints Format (UCF) file, uncomment the six attribute
--declarations below and remove jc2_top.ucf from the project.
-- attribute pin_assign : string;
-- attribute pin_assign of clk : signal is "A7";
-- attribute pin_assign of left : signal is "G7";
-- attribute pin_assign of right : signal is "B2";
-- attribute pin_assign of stop : signal is "F2";
-- attribute pin_assign of q : signal is "G5 F6 C6 B4";
end jc2_top;
architecture jc2_top_arch of jc2_top is
signal DIR : std_logic := '0'; -- Left=1, Right=0
signal RUN : std_logic := '0';
signal Q_int : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) := "0000"; -- Internal signal driving Q output; Active-low LEDs
process (CLK, right, left, STOP, RUN, DIR, Q_int)
if (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then -- CLK rising edge
-- DIR register:
if (right = '0') then
DIR <= '0';
elsif (left = '0') then
DIR <= '1';
end if;
-- RUN register:
if (STOP = '0') then
RUN <= '0';
elsif (left = '0' or right = '0') then
RUN <= '1';
end if;
-- Counter section:
if (RUN = '1') then
if (DIR = '1') then
Q_int(3 downto 1) <= Q_int(2 downto 0); -- Shift lower bits (Left Shift)
Q_int(0) <= not Q_int(3); -- Circulate inverted MSB to LSB
Q_int(2 downto 0) <= Q_int(3 downto 1); -- Shift upper bits (Right Shift)
Q_int(3) <= not Q_int(0); -- Circulate inverted LSB to MSB
end if;
end if;
end if;
Q <= Q_int;
end process;
end jc2_top_arch;